AnteAGE Microchanneling Stamp 0.25mm



AnteAGE Microchanneling Stamp 0.25mm takes your skincare routine to the next level by enhancing the application of topical solutions packed with growth factors. It enhances the application of stem cell cytokines and growth factors to improve the overall health of the skin and scalpl by using 140 sterile medical-grade titanium cones, which gently exfoliate, stimulate, and prepare your skin for optimal absorption. It’s a fantastic way to boost the health and vitality of your skin or scalp.

How to Use:


When using the AnteAGE Microchanneling Stamp, apply your preferred home microneedling/channeling solution to your skin section by section. Remember to keep your skin moist as you gently stamp, ensuring optimal product penetration and results. You can reuse the AnteAGE Stamps for up to 15 uses. Each stamp can be sterilized with Isopropyl Alcohol between uses and stored in a dry place.

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not use it on wounded or irritated skin.
  • Do not use inflamed blemishes.
  • Do not drag the stamp head across the skin.
  • Only for personal use, don’t share with others.
  • Store with the protective cover on the stamp head.
  • It can be used for scalp or face treatment.
  • Treatment may be repeated every five weeks.
  • Discard stamp after 10-15 uses or if stamp becomes dull or damaged.